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Santa Barbara

Mosaic is an authentic community seeking to bridge diversity by empowering men & women by the power of the Holy Spirit through relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. As we come together with different instruments in the symphony of the Kingdom we create a new sound, the sound of a new tribe surrendered to the melody of the Holy Spirit. Join us every second Thursday and first Sunday, in bridging barriers of race, class, gender and culture through the gospel and unconditional love of Jesus. This will be an amazing opportunity to integrate our community!

Devine Destiny

Diseño Divino is a ministry dedicated to the woman of today. At Nueva Vida we value women and their leadership and our goal is to give them the resources, encouragement, tools and confidence needed in order to fulfill God's calling in their lives. We host monthly gatherings that are a time of fellowship, solidarity and a time to be ministered by God's Word.

Esther 4:14

Mens Ministry

Our men's ministry gives an opportunity to men to raise the expectation they have of themselves by being part of an environment of comradery that provides personal and collective edification; in which they can develop their gifts in order to make a great impact for today's generation starting by being spiritual leaders

in their homes, work place and Church and taking hold of such great responsibility.

They participate in men's retreats, prayer meetings and other events.

[Proverbs 27:17]

3D Youth

Nueva Vida youth group is an important part of our family. We love to serve this generation and help them strengthen their faith and their relationship with God learning more about themselves and the purpose that God has for them. Our goal is to empower the youth and give them the tools to live a Christ like life confident in their identity and their values. We offer several events for the youth group and regular meetings during Sunday service.

Children's Ministry

The children of our Church are very special to us; our goal is to offer them a fun and safe place to learn about Jesus and His love for them. Our main resource is the Bible and sharing it with our little ones in a way that is fun and easy to understand. Throughout the year we have different events, kids days and performances for everyone to enjoy. Our teachers are just as special as the children and have a heart for kids and aim to teach the children about heir identity in Christ so that hey can be who God has called them to be. All kids are welcome on Sunday and Thursday services. [Mark 9:37]

El Ministerio "Courtside" 

Nueva Vida is proud to partner with Courtside Ministry. We reach out to the Santa Barbara community offering prayer, counseling and support to those appearing to court, many with challenging cases with little or no hope. Through Courtside Ministry we have seen the manifestation of God's mercy and love for those who called upon Him.


You can find us at the Santa Barbara Courthouse every Thursday 8:30am to 12pm. [Mark 16:15]

International Ministry

Besides ministering the beautiful city of Santa Barbara, Nueva Vida branches out to Latin America and other countries in the world. For over 10 years Pastor and Prophet Jaime Ramirez has been part of the International Ministry alongside Evangelist Alberto Mottesi traveling with his team to other states in the US, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, India and Israel, with the purpose to teach and inspire men and women to claim their destiny and establish the Kingdome of God in their cities. Pastor Jaime Ramirez has ministered to thousands bringing the powerful message of the Cross and transforming lives.

In Santa Barbara Pastor Jaime Ramirez has also been ministering to entrepreneurs and businessmen through the movement “Believers Edge”.

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads,[a] with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

Romans 12:6-8


Our Thursday evening prayer is an opportunity for our community to come together and pray. God is our hope, peace, love and salvation. In a wild and uncertain world, prayer is a powerful tool; prayer is our call to God Who responds by giving us peace, healing, change, hope and love. Come join us and be blessed as we worship God and pray for our families, our community and our own lives. [Matthew 11:28]


Every Thursday @ 7:00pm

Visit us on Facebook live every Sunday at 11am
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